WKU Events in the East : Reports and Pics
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Kata Course : Clubs from Colchster, Brighthlignsea, Sudbury, Great Bentley, Potentia, Greenstead, The Essex and Great Tey club
Xmas Fun Session at Brightlingsea
WKU Junior Competition, April 2014
On Sunday 27th April 2014 a WKU Junior Competition was run by Les Birkin, 7th Dan and other instructors at The Gilberd School (Highwoods Leisure Centre). The competition was open to all Juniors (up to 15 years) from local WKU clubs. Clubs from Sudbury, Colchester, Brightlingsea, Great Tey and Great Bentley attended. Well done to all who participated and congratulations to medal winners! And thanks to all helpers, instructors and supporters!
Sudbury medal winners
Brightlingsea medal winners, instructors and helpers
Colchester medal winners
Great Tey medal winners
Brightlingsea Gradings 19 March 2014
Results – 8th Kyus: Will Matthews, Isobell Cooke, Eleanor Cornell, Thomas Cornell and Holly Poynter
7th Kyus: Katherine Nicholson and Nathan Hogg
6th Kyus: Harry McTiernan and Mark Hogg
4th Kyu David Satterly
Colchester Grading – Brightlingsea results: 03 March 2014. Results –
3rd Kyus: Millie Poynter and Harry Barber
Report: 32 students attended the Kata Course, run by Les Birkin, 7th Dan and other instructors on Saturday 22nd February 2014 at The Gilberd School (Highwoods Leisure Centre) .
Xmas at Brightlingsea Karate Club – Students and Instructors had a fun training session to finish 2013 complete with their festive hats!
Report: 26 students attended the Kata Course, run by Les Birkin, 7th Dan and other instructors on 12 October 2013.
Brightlingsea Gradings 23 October 2013.
Results – 8th Kyus Katie Nicholson, Shannon Boyce,
7th Kyus: Harry McTiernan, Nazia Ahmed and Samiha Ahmed
6th Kyus: Harvey Satterly, Zach Matthews and Leo Matthews (not photographed).
Report: Trophies of the Year 2013
Trophy Results
Students Student of the Year
Joint Winners – Leo Matthews and Harry McTiernan
Instructors Senior Student of the Year
Winner – Matthew Thurlow-Fox
Runner Up- Kate Moyes
Instructors Junior Student of the Year
Winner – Harry McTiernan
Runner Up – Mitchell Cummings
Beginner of the Year
Winner – Shannon Boyce (not photographed)
Runner Up – Katherine Nicholson
Chatterbox of the Year
Winner – Millie Poynter
Runner Up – William Brown
Brightlingsea Junior School Fete 6th July 2013– Students’ took part in the blistering heat in a short demo. Sue Fairs, Gregg Weaver, Rory Western, Bailey Larkins, William Brown, Mitchell Cummings, Zac Matthews.
Brightlingsea Carnival 15 June 2013– Students took part in the Brightlingsea Carnival and display 15th June 2013. Participants Sue Fairs, Gregg Weaver, Rory Western, Kate Moyes, Michell Cumming, William Brown, Nathan Hogg, Harvey and Dave Satterly.
Colchester Junior Competition: Brightlingsea Results – 21 April 2013.
Medal winners Bailey Larkins, Harry McTiernan, Zac Matthews and Leo Mattews.
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