WKU Brightlingsea are hot stuff with charity fundraising!

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On Sunday 08 July 2018, a group of WKU Brightlingsea Karate Club’s lovely students took part in a display in blistering heat to support the charity Porridge and Pens.

Gregg Weaver was one of the organisers. He is a 1st Dan who has trained since he was a very young – about six year old! Here is a photo of him after he’d done the 10K – before the karate display – with Tiger!





Last year Greg did a huge trek to raise funds for this charity. They are a great cause, first providing “porridge and pens” to children in Ghana, and now, there is a “Brightlingsea School” where all the money raised goes.

Thanks to Sue Fairs, Chief Instructor at Brightlingsea Karate Club, for this great story of sharing karate skills and helping others around the world.

If anyone would like to make donation in support of the Porridge and Pens charity, please click here.

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WKU Western Karate Union is a non profit making association promoting the study and practice of Karate, organising tournaments, competitions, courses and events. Members work at local, national and international levels. WKU regulates safe and structured training and examination and certification of karateka.

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