505 katas in one hour – WKU Brightlingsea instructors raise funds for overseas aid
Events, Events, More news, What’s on, WKU instructor news, WKU News February 4, 2020 No Comments on 505 katas in one hour – WKU Brightlingsea instructors raise funds for overseas aid 4On Wed 9th Oct, 6.30-8pm, WKU’s Brightlingsea instructors and students gathered at Brightlingsea, Primary School for a sponsored fancy dress Kata-thon – 505 katas in one hour! The event was to support one of otheir instructors, Gregg Weaver, who is travelling to Ghana on 25th as part of a team for running the Ghana Half Marathon and volunteering at the Brightlingsea Academy (a school built & run for children unable to afford education) and local orphanages – https://porridgeandpens.org.
Gregg’s final grand total for our sponsored Kata-thon is an amazing £286. We didn’t expect anything like that. Thanks to everyone for the donations and support.
And one of Brightlingsea’s red belts is cutting her hair off on 15th February 2020 – for Little Princess Trust to be made into wig. The money raised will go to cancer research.
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